Bording Ostergaard
Managing Partner
Bording has over 25 years of business experience, starting out as a self-financed entrepreneur. He has been active in a several industries including the financial industry where he also started FundSoft Information Systems (
Bording grew up on a mixed dairy and grain farm in Central Alberta and continues to be active in the agricultural industry as an active partner in an 1800-acre agri-business. Hobbies include collecting and restoring special-interest automobiles and the modification and tuning of high-performance automobiles as active engineering and marketing projects.
Bording holds two degrees with First Class standing from the University of Alberta; a B.Sc. in Math Physics and a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering. He has been a practicing Professional Engineer since obtaining his professional license in 1992 and he is currently the Responsible Member for Optrics’ Permit to Practice. ( – Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta).